Registration/Online Enrollment
Online Enrollment
7th and 8th grade students NEW to BOUSD, please complete the Online Enrollment to enroll your student. Please select the correct school year and follow the steps below to complete enrollment.
Step 1: |
Check to see if the student's residing address is within BOUSD boundaries by typing your address in the BOUSD School Locator.
Step 2: |
Complete the online enrollment
Step 3: |
The registering parent/guardian will receive an email by the Registrar detailing the next steps (e.g. appointment, required documents).
Step 4: |
Make an appointment by calling the Registrar, Joyce Kwon, at (714) 990-7500 (ext. 7353) or email [email protected]. We are open Monday through Friday and appointment times are between 8:30am-11:00am, 2:15-3:00pm. If your appointment is during school hours, please park in the parking lot on the Brea Blvd side.
Step 5: |
See below for more information regarding the required documents to complete registration.
Required Documents:
- Enrollment Confirmation by the registering parent/guardian (Submit entire paperwork with parent/guardian signature on the last page)
- Student's original Official Birth Certificate/Passport
- Student's current Immunization Records
- Parent/Guardian original California Driver's License/Photo ID
- TWO most current Proofs of Residence (only one is required with a BOUSD approved Interdistrict Transfer):
- Driver's License (most current address)
- Utility Bill (gas, water, and/or electric) (current month)
- Bank Statement (current month)
- Automobile Insurance / Car Registration (most current)
- Paycheck (current month)
- Home Tax Statement (most current)
- Lease Agreement/Rental Insurance
- Escrow papers (can be provided as temporary proof - valid of 30 days)
- [We do not accept credit card, phone bills, cable bills]
- Transcript/Report Card (most current)
- Withdrawal Grades (if enrolling during the school year)
- Standardized Test Scores
- IEP (if applicable)
- 504 Plan (if applicable)
- Court Documents (if applicable)
After receiving all the required documents, you will receive more information about the school and how to register the student for classes.
If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar, Joyce Kwon, at (714) 990-7500 (ext. 7353) or email at [email protected].
- If you are assuming responsibility for a student with the permission of that student's parents, you will need to complete a BOUSD Caregiver Packet. (Please see below).
- Please download the packet and bring it to the school along with required paperwork.