Dress Code
While on campus or any school sponsored event, a student shall be dressed and groomed in a manner which reflects good taste and decency and will not detract from or interfere with the instructional program, the general morale or the image of the school.
- Midriffs, strapless, halter, off-the-shoulder, or backless tops are prohibited. This includes a sports bra worn as a primary article of clothing. The back area between the shoulders must be covered. No undergarments (bra straps) should be showing at this time.
- Spaghetti straps on dresses and tank tops are prohibited. Tank top straps must be at least 1" solid in width. Undergarments, including straps that show, are out of dress code.
- Clothing must cover the midriff completely at all times.
- Low-cut tops are not allowed.
- Skirts, shorts, dress length, and "fashionable" rips in jeans must not be extremely short. Sheer leggings are prohibited. If you cannot sit down comfortably due to inappropriate length or tightness, you are in violation of the dress code. (ex. inseam must be longer than 3" in length)
- Pants must not be extremely oversized. If their pants cannot stay up without a belt, they are considered inappropriate. No undergarments may be seen.
- Inappropriate t-shirt/sweatshirt logos are not allowed (e.g. reference to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, profanity, or sexual reference, ethnic/racial slurs, or other offensive symbols).
- Shoes must be worn at all times while a student is on campus. Slippers and pajama bottoms are prohibited.
- Chains on wallets and spike jewelry are prohibited. Piercings other than in the ear are prohibited.
- Students hair must be a natural hair color and the style must not be disruptive to the normal school day.
- Students may not wear hats, beanies, or sweatshirt hoods in class, at dances or in the auditorium. Ball caps may not be worn backwards or sideways.
- The dress code may be modified at the discretion of the principal. Such modifications will be communicated to the students in the daily announcements.
Students who fail to adhere to the dress code will be given a Minor Incident Report and will change into something more appropriate. Continual defiance of the dress code will result in further disciplinary action.