Extracurricular Opportunities
There are a variety of opportunities for your students to get involved here at BJH. Information through daily morning homeroom announcements, posted on our BJH website, and through our weekly BJH email newsletter will be provided throughout the school year. Please encourage your student to actively participate is some of these opportunities:
Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of after school sports including: flag football, cross country, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and track & field. All students are encourage to come out and join the team! Please know that all student athletes must have a physical before they can participate and must maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. throughout the year.
This youth development program is built upon the philosophy of students helping students. PAL leaders help build a positive school climate through youth leadership, mentoring conflict resolution, cross-age teaching, peer helping, service learning, and prevention activities.
Our BJH students compete as individuals and team members in a series of five academic tests, including: mathematics, literature, social science, science and essay. This five-event competition encourages and rewards academic excellence among students of all ability levels. The Orange County competition is held in March.
The National Junior Honor Society is a national organization that recognizes outstanding middle grade students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor our students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and character. Here at BJH, 7th graders are invited to participate in NJHS based on the following criteria: a 3.75 G.P.A. at the end of the 1st Semester of their 7th grade year and have no N’s or U’s in citizenship and no suspensions. Good citizenship and a G.P.A. of 3.75 or higher must be maintained during 8th grade.
The MATHCOUNTS Competition series is the only competition program of its kind and is ideal for students who have a talent and passion for math, who need to be challenged. Students engage in exciting “bee-style” contests in which they will compete against and alongside other bright, motivated students.
BJH students participate in a school-based competition, with the top two finalists participating moving on to the county level competition. At the country level, our two finalists participate in a preliminary written round and then, “a spell-off” where students spell words orally to determine the top speller in Orange County.
During both the 1st and 2nd semester, after school enrichment classes are available. These classes run 10 weeks and topics include: Planetary Science, Math Logic Puzzles, Creative Writing, Music & Literature, and The Science of Food.
This club is organized through our Teen Center. It encourages our young people to take responsibility by creating and coordinating activities and service projects that benefit their peers, schools, and communities. This youth-driven model develops 21st century competencies in the areas of leadership, communication, team building, and problem solving. In addition to building a stronger connection among youth, significant adults, and their communities, these important skills prepare students for college and careers.
Our students compete in “events” pertaining to various scientific disciplines, including earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Emphasis is placed on team work and on active, hands-on group participation. This has become one of the premiere science competitions in the nation, providing rigorous, standards-based challenges to nearly 7,000 teams in 50 states and BJH is always proud of the success of their team.
The You Be The Chemist (YBTC) Challenge is an exciting academic contest that uses the drama of competition to encourage our students to explore important chemistry concepts and their real-world applications.
The Challenge:
- Introduces students to the central role of chemistry in all of the sciences and in their everyday lives.
- Promotes science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education.
- Provides educators with a fun, interactive way to educate their students and assess their learning.
- Encourages parents to participate in their child’s education.
- Allows industry members to connect with their community and actively show support for science education.
Our after school group meets twice a week to interpret the music that the marching band is playing via the synchronized spinning of flags, sabers, rifles, the air blade, and through dance. This group partners and competes with the BOHS Color Guard.
Our after school group is committed to celebrating the Bobcat P.R.I.D.E. on our campus, throughout the school day and at our after school athletic events. This group partners with the BOHS Cheerleading Squad.
California law does not allow school districts to charge fees to students for curricular, co-curricular, or extracurricular activities. The law does allow school districts to charge fees in specific situations. Those permissible fees are outlined in a FAQ from the Orange County Department of Education’s Schools Legal Services division. This FAQ is posted on our school’s website for your information. Due to constraints resulting from reductions in State funding for schools over the past several years, BOUSD has looked to maintain the high level of programs expected by our community through the solicitation of donations from participants and their families. This long standing practice is still legal and acceptable. The law is also very clear that all students must be allowed to participate in curricular, co-curricular, or extracurricular activities, without sanctions or limitations, regardless of whether a student or his/her family makes a donation. We are working carefully with staff and all groups on campus to ensure that donations are requested only to help defer, or offset, the additional costs of running and maintaining our exceptional programs and activities at their current high level. Without your support of these programs through your donations, we will be required to redesign these programs to match the very limited funding provided by the State. While we will continue to offer as many programs as possible at no cost to students and their parents, please be aware that your voluntary donations help to make the experiences students have at our schools more enriched and extensive.